Updated/New Applications: Liferay, Glassfish, Java, PostgreSQL and more

  •   17/03/2009 12:23 PM

Updated/New Applications:

Updated versions of the following applications are now available, all for CentOS 5 plans:

* GlassFish 2.1 (Standard Max and higher)
* Liferay-Tomcat-6 5.2.2 (Advanced and higher)
* Liferay-GlassFish 5.2.2 (Advanced and higher)
* phpMyadmin 3.1.2
* Java 6 u_12 (Standard Plus and higher)
* PostgreSQL-JDCB3-Driver 8.3-604
* PostgreSQL-JDBC-Driver 8.3.604 (JDBC4)
* Wordpress 2.7.1
* SquirellMail 1.4.17
* mod_jk 1.2.27
* mysql-connector 5.1.7
* ZendFramework 1.7

New Applications, all for CentOS 5 plans:

* no new apps at this time, but GIT is coming soon


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