Release Notes - Webmin Control Panel

Release Notes - Webmin Control Panel


eApps uses a highly customized version of Webmin as the Control Panel for the Virtual Machine in the Cloud hosting platform. If you are using a Virtual Machine template with Control Panel (eApps) in the name, then you have access to the Control Panel.

Thanks to ongoing feedback from our customers and staff, we will from time to time make changes to the Control Panel in order to make it easier to use. Some of the changes are to the user interface (UI) in order to improve navigation and ease of use, and some changes are to the behind the scenes configuration in order to improve functionality. Making sure that the Control Panel meets the needs of our customers, and making changes when it doesn’t, is a top priority at eApps.

As always, eApps is committed to a process of continuous improvement and is constantly looking for ways to make our services better and more useful for our customers. If you have feedback specific to the Control Panel, or to any other part of the eApps service, please contact our Sales team, but please make sure to send any issues for Technical Support to our Support team.

Updated Control Panel Modules

Website Management

The module for Website Management has been updated with several UI improvements that make it easier to create and manage your web sites. The User Guide: Creating Web sites has been updated to reflect these changes.

Highlighted Changes in Website Management


  • Updated the menu labels in the UI to better match the actual functionality
  • New check box to add the web site domain to the mail server configuration for e-mail addresses
  • The order of the sub-modules in the Website Management screen has been re-arranged with the most commonly used items appearing first
  • Selecting the IP address for a web site is more straight-forward


  • Removed UI elements that were confusing or were not relevant to creating web sites
  • “Prevent hot linking” is now off by default

Overall, the process to create a web site has been streamlined, and the choices available have been made clearer so that the module is easier to use and navigate.

SSL Certificates

The SSL sub-module for Website Management has also been updated with UI improvements to make creating and installing SSL certificates easier. The User Guide: SSL Certificates has been updated to reflect these changes.


Mail Management

The module for Mail Management has been updated with several UI and behind-the-scenes improvements that will make it easier to create and manage e-mail users and the mail server. The User Guide: Managing E-mail has been updated to reflect these changes.

Highlighted Changes in Mail Management


  • Domains can now be added to Local Domains during the web site creation process
  • The order of the sub-modules in the Sendmail Mail Server screen has been re-arranged to have the most commonly used items appearing first
  • Changed the order of choices for Mail Forwarding configuration


  • Set the default for Copy/Forward to none
  • The back-end functionality for configuring Mail Forwarding has been improved

While some of the improvements to the Mail Management are visible, the majority of the new features and fixes for creating, editing, and managing mailboxes and mail users are on the back-end, and in response to issues that have either been reported to us by our customers, or found in testing by our staff.

How to upgrade

The upgrade to the new version Control Panel will happen automatically. Your Virtual Machine runs a script at regular intervals to check and see if a new version of the Control Panel is available. Once the new version is found, it will be installed. This will generally happen within 12 hours of a new Control Panel version being released.

After the update has been installed, you will not have to do anything for the update to be available to you.


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