FAQ - What is the eApps policy on updating patches and versions?
- 20/01/2004 9:39 AM
We strive to balance the need for current versions with reliability of the service. When a new version of a supported application is available, we review it to assess the benefit and impact. Security patches, or course, receive priority treatment.
Once we determine that a new version is desirable, we package it and then perform tests to ensure that it can be run reliably on our service. Then we make it available for customers, or in some cases perform the upgrade ourselves.
- Security Related -- If the new version resolves a significant security vulnerability or involves a patch to the operating system, eApps Hosting will perform the upgrade. We will inform you regarding the timing and particulars of the upgrade, unless the severity of the vulnerability is so great that we must perform the upgrade on an emergency basis.
- Non-security related -- Our policy is to allow the customer to choose when and if they will upgrade to a more current version. We make announcements to customers regarding availability of new versions via email and our monthly newsletter. Customers can perform the upgrade using their Control Panel. For more information, read our Policy documents in the Knowledgebase area of http://support.eapps.com.
IMPORTANT -- Please read the Release Notes for an application prior to performing your upgrade! Release notes can be found at: Release Notes