Release Notes - Clam AV

This document will provide ClamAV release notes for all operating systems offered by eApps. Please see the section specific to the operating system of your subscription. To get the operating system of your subscription take the steps below.

Log into your Control Panel > click My Account tab > Subscriptions > click the Name of the subscription (with type Virtuozzo Container)> the operating system is listed on the Server section of the page.

CentOS 5
ClamAV 0.96
is available on CentOS 5 plans only!

Change log for this version may be found here:;a=blob_plain;f=ChangeLog;hb=clamav-0.95.3

CentOS 4 and Fedoar Core 1

ClamAV - is no longer support on the old CentOS 4 and Fedora Core 1 plans

Latest ClamAV version available on CentOS 4 plans is 0.91.2
  • UPGRADING from versions prior to 0.88.7 - To upgrade to the new version from versions prior to 0.88.7, you must uninstall the old version. Then from the system tab, you can then click Add Application, choose ClamAV 0.88.7, then click next.
  • UPGRADING from versions after 0.88.7 - To upgrade to a new version from versions after 0.88.7, you can upgrade directly to the most recent version. Just login to your Control Panel, go to System Tab, click on Upgrade Applications icon, then use the drop down list to select the latest version and Upgrade.
  • Running ClamAV without Spam Assassin - If you have not installed the Spam Assassin Version 3.1.7 or higher, and want to run ClamAV against your mail without using Spam Assassin, you will also have to install the smtp-vilter application. Click the System tab, then Add Application. Choose smtp-vilter and click Next. This will allow ClamAV to scan all incoming mail for known virus signatures.
    • Standalone Operation - Versions of ClamAV from 0.88.7 and higher can now be run independently of Spam Assassin. Versions prior to 0.88.7 depended on the milter bundled in with Spam Assassin. In order to scan mail for viruses without Spam Assassin you must install the smtp-vilter as explained above. Also, ClamAV can now be used to scan files on your VPS server using the clamscan command. See the documentation at


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