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Security Analysis and Hardening
This is a set fee service designed to improve the security of your Linux virtual server. The service is performed by skilled technicians who use automated tools and their experience to analyze your virtual machine and prepare recommendations for improving security. The recommendations provided are also implemented in your virtual server upon your approval unless otherwise noted. The service consists of the following: GENERAL REVIEW - check for hacks and suspicious files, update software versions OPERATING SYSTEM AND ENVIRONMENT - review and update users, optimize PHP security settings WEB SERVER - perform SSL checks and fix as appropriate MAIL SERVER - restrict to outbound traffic if not used for inbound mail APPLICATIONS - check permissions for all applications, fix insecure permissions as needed, test for insecure web forms and prepare exceptions list DATABASE SERVER - disable public IP if not needed, verify strength of passwords, restrict permissions to what is necessary, remove users that are not needed FIREWALL - Configure IPtables to restrict access to what is needed for both inbound and outbound traffic FINAL REVIEW
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