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Thawte Code Signing Certificate
Code Signing Certificates, from Thawte, are digital data files that provide developers on all platforms with the ability to digitally sign, or bind their authenticated publisher identity, to the software they distribute.
Software Vendors and Organizations can digitally sign and timestamp the software they distribute over the Internet, ensuring that the end user knows the software is legitimate and has not been tampered with since being published.
Individual Developers i.e. those developers not associated with larger organizations can also buy and use Code Signing certificates. The full name of the developer is attached to the certificate, so customers will see the message "this software has been published by John Doe."
The following platforms are supported, For information go to our Code Signing Certificate web page.
- Microsoft® Authenticode® (Multi-Purpose) - 32/64 bit user-mode files (.exe, .cab, .dll, .ocx, .msi, .xpi and .xap files), MS Office 2000, VBA, Netscape Object, Marimba Channel
- Java® - .jar, Java apps for desktops and mobile devices
- Adobe® AIR® - .air or .airi files (required for AIR-based apps)
- Mac® - Apple desktop apps
- Microsoft® Office VBA - VBA objects, MS Office files including scripts and macros
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